Month: July 2013
Click here to read Mark 5 on Since it’s summer, it’s only fitting that we talk about camp now and again. After all, it’s the one week a year that young people get away from their parents, spend time…
Click here to read Jermiah 15 on Futility. Such a great word. It almost laughs at our futile attempts at spelling or pronouncing it correctly. How many words can openly mock you with their meaning by their very existence?…
It’s awfully tempting to take the Gospel personally. If we preach to a crowd, and a thousand people get saved, we consider that God must really be using us (or that other evangelist). We do a little dance, maybe write…
Click here to read Joshua 24 on Ignorance can be bliss. If you don’t know exactly how a twinkie is made, you can just sit back and eat a dozen with no thought for what exactly you’re putting in…
Click here to read Matthew 26 on Is there anything that fills the common man with a sense of drunken power more than knowing a secret about somebody else? Let’s say you know that Bob in Cubicle A113 is…
There’s always a bit of tension between God’s blessings and our own work. Jesus tells us that we should not worry about the future because God will provide all our needs, yet he also tells us to be wise with…